Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Experimental Electronics Workshops

Workshops offered at
The Old Town School
Of Folk Music 
4544 N Lincoln Ave 
Register at 773-728-6000

More information on our Workshops page

Introduction to Circuit Bending Workshop
Sunday, February 6th, 2011, 1:00 - 4:50 PM

Take apart your old toys and make a brand new musical instrument

How to Build a Simple Contact Microphone Workshop
Sunday February 20th, 2011, 1:00- 2:50 PM

Contact mics are inexpensive, easy to build, and can be a source of new sounds for recording, art installations or live performances.

Intermediate Circuit Bending Workshop NEW!
Sunday, March 6th, 2011, 1:00 - 4:50 PM

This class will focus on the next level of electronics hacking. How to read and write electronics schematics, how to assemble and use home made oscillators to get more out of your devices. 

Build Your Own Portable Amplifier Workshop
Sunday, March 13th, 2011, 1:00 - 4:50 PM

This workshop will guide you step by step through the process of building your own standard, battery-powered, portable amplifier.