Roth Mobot was commissioned again this year to design, build, and "bend" the electronic interiors of the annual Third Coast Festival awards. Once finished, the electronics are housed in retro-styled radios fabricated at Trek Studios. Each award plays two minutes of the winner's documentary, and has a "bent" option; giving each award an interactive playability that is unique for each person examining it.
Roth Mobot's Patrick McCarthy assembling the awards' electronics
Trek Studios' custom radio-shaped housings
A spontaneous jam breaks out during a systems test at Trek Studios
The winners holding their finished awards (photo by Vanessa Churchill)
Roth Mobot's Circuit Bending Workshop (photo by The Spin)
Roth Mobot Performing
The Nashville Scene printed a flattering review of Nashville's recent Circuit Benders' Ball. They mention their involvement in Roth Mobot's Introduction to Circuit Bending workshop and our later performance, as well as the performances of some of the other artists.
Be sure to check out the strip of photos at the bottom of the article. The photographer had quite an artful eye and caught the spirit of the entire day's event.